Chemical reactions in nucleic acid duplexes. XII. New strategy for assembling A gene
Z. A. Shabarova, I. N. Merenkova, T. S. Oretskaya, N. I. Sokolova
Chemistry Department and A. N. Belozersky Laboratory of Molecular Biology and Bioorganic Chemistry, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract: An artificial gene comprising 183 bp has been assembled by template-directed condensation of 35- to 53-membered oligodeoxyribonucleotides with cyanogen bromide as condensing agent. The reaction is complete within several minutes at 0°C. The resulting gene was cloned into MISmp11 and sequenced using the Sanger procedure.
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 1990, 16 (9):1287-1289