Study of diastereomers of nonionic oligonucleotide analogues. VI. Separation of diastereomers of ethyl phosphotriesters of octanucleotide d(GCCAAACA) by means of high performance complementary (affinity) chromatography
I. A. Vtorushina, Yu. A. Gorbunov, V. F. Zarytova, N. I. Komarova, A. V. Lebedev, S. G. Lokhov, A. V. Manajenko, A. N. Siniakov, I. G. Shishklna
Novosibirsk Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Siberian Division, Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk;
All-Union Research Institute of Molecular Biology, Minmedprom, Novosibirsk Region, Kol'tsovo
Abstract: Diastereomers of oligonucleotide ethyl phosphotriesters were separated by high-performance complementary (affinity) chromatography on a column with the immobilized complementary oligonucleotide. The elution buffer contained 0.18 M K2HP04, pH 7.5, and 30% acetonitrile. The temperature of the separation was a few degrees lower than Tm of corresponding oligonucleotide complexes. The diastereomers separated completely or partially were: d[GCC(Et)AAACA], d[GCCA(Et)AACA], d[GCAA(Et)ACA], d[GCC(Et)-A(Et)AACA], d[GCC(Et)AA(Et)AGA], d[GCCA(Et)A(Et)ACA], d[GCC(Et)A(Et)A-(Et)ACAJ.
Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry 1992, 18 (1):92-99