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Submission of a Manuscript to the Editorial Board

Subjects of publication

Publication types

Manuscripts preparation

Manuscript on acceptance

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Editorial board
Instructions to authors
Best publications
Impact Factor

ISSN 1068-1680 (Print), ISSN 1608-330X (Online)

Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya


Submission of a Manuscript to the Editorial Board

1. The manuscript should be submitted as an electronic version to our e-mail: [email protected].
2. The abstract (not less than 250 words), body of the article, list of references, tables, figure legends, schemes, figures should be submitted as a single file with consecutive page numbering (format Microsoft Office Word).
3. Please, use Times New Roman font – 12 pt, one and one-half line spacing, margins: left – 2.5, right – 1.5, top and bottom – 1.5 cm, no hyphenation of words, left side alignment, the paragraphs are introduced using the option “Format/Paragraph”.
4. Each illustration is submitted on a separate page after References. Files created in TIFF, JPEG or GIF formats are also presented separately.
5. Authors that plan to publish a review article should first submit to the Editorial Board a preliminary annotation (size of two pages) explaining motivation and relevance of the proposed subject, propose content and structure of the review, the expeeted volume of manuscript, the number of illustrations, the approximate number of references and time interval of their citing.
6. The details for preparation of text of review and Illustrations, please read on the “GUIDELINES FOR AUTHORS” at
7. A Cover Letter signed by all the authors should be provided with the manuscript. The letter should include the statement that the submitted work has not been published previously and that it is not under consideration for publication in other journals.
8. Together with the manuscript, the authors should also submit the Agreement with the Publisher of the English Version. The Agreement signed by the Authors should contain the all the author’s names and their complete affiliations. This contact information is necessary to forward the royalty payments. The template of agreement can be downloaded from
9. For detailed information on the manuscript preparation, please, see The Guidelines for Authors.

Appendix 1 | Appendix 2 | Appendix 3 | Appendix 4 | Appendix 5

Download "Guidelines for Authors" in pdf.

Download "Sample manuscript format" in doc.

Appendix 1.
Standard symbols of selected monomeric units (residues) and substituents (groups or radicals) in biopolymers*

Ado, A2*,3*adenosine
Ala, Aalanine
Arg, Rarginine
Asn, Nasparagine
Asp, Daspartic acid
Asx, Basparagine or aspartic acid
Bu, Bui, Bus, Butrespectively n-, iso-, sec-, tert--butyl
Cyd, C2*cytidine
Cbz, Zbenzyloxycarbonyl
Cbz(Br), Z(Br)-p-bromobenzyloxycarbonyl
Cys, Ccysteine
DnsDansyl [i.e., 5-(dimethylamino)-1-naphthalenesulfonyl]
dAdo, dA3*2'-deoxyadenosine
GlcA4*glucuronic acid
Gln, Qglutamine
Glu, Eglutamic acid
Glx, Zglutamine or glutamic acid
Gly, Gglycine
Guo, G2*guanosine
His, Hhistidine
Ino, I2*inosine
Ile, Iisoleucine
Leu, Lleucine
Lys, Êlysine
Met, Ìmethionine
MeOTr and (MeO)2Trmethoxytrityl and dimethoxytrityl respectively
Nuc, N2*an unspecified nucleoside
Neuneuraminic acid
Neu5AcN-acetylneuraminic acid
ONSu or OSusuccimidooxy
Phå, Fphenylalanine
Pro, Pproline
Puo, Ran unspecified purine nucleotide
Pyd, Yan unspecified pyrimidine nucleotide
Ser, Sserine
Suc< , -Suc-succinyl
Thd, T2*ribosylthymine (not thymidine, which is designated as dT or dThd)
Thr, Tthreonine
Trp, Wtryptophan
Tos or Tstosyl (p(i.e., -toluenesulfonyl))
Trt or Trtrityl ((i.e.,triphenylmethyl)
Tyr, Ytyrosine
Urd, U2*uridine
ψrd, ψ2*pseudouridine (5-ribosyluracil)
Val, Vvaline
Xaaan unspecified amino acid
*These symbols should be used only in formulas, structures, tables, and figures.
2*A one-letter symbol should not be used for base designation.
3*Similarly for other deoxynucleosides and deoxysugars.
4*Similarly for other uronic acids.
5*Similarly for other 2-amino-2-deoxysaccharides and their N-acetyl derivatives.

Appendix 2.
Standard abbreviations for selected names

ADP*adenosine 5'-diphosphate
ATP*adenosine 5'-triphosphate
BSAbovine serum albumin
cm-cellulosecarboxymethyl cellulose
CoA (CoASH), CoASAccoenzyme A and acetylcoenzyme A, respectively
DMSOdimethyl sulfoxide
DNA, cDNAdeoxyribonucleic acid and complementary DNA, respectively
EDTAethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
IgA, IgG, etcimmunoglobulin A, G, etc.
Piinorganic phosphate
Ðphosphate residue incorporated into compound
RNAribonucleic acid
SDSsodium dodecylsulfate
TCAtrichloroacetic acid
TEABtriethylammonium bicarbonate
TFAtrifluoroacetic acid
*Similarly for other nucleoside 5'-mono-, nucleoside 5'-di-, and nucleoside 5'-triphosphates.

Appendix 3.
Abbreviations for frequently encountered words and terms

aa* amino acid residue (number)
b*nucleic base
bp*base pairs
bp*boiling point
CDcircular dichroism
EIA and ELISAenzyme immunoassay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, respectively
ESRelectronic spin resonance
GC or GLCgas chromatography or gas-liquid chromatography, respectively
HPLChigh-performance liquid chromatography
J spin-spin coupling constant
IUinternational unit
m-, o, and p-meta, ortho, and para
mp*melting point
MSmass spectrometry
n-normal (isomer)
N*normal concentration (of solution)
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
ORDoptical rotatory dispersion
OU or AU**optical (or absorbance) unit
PAGpolyacrylamide gel
PAGEpolyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
PCpaper chromatography
PCRpolymerase chain reaction
rpHPLCreversed-phase HPLC
RSRaman spectroscopy
TLCthin-layer chromatography
U*unit of enzyme activity
X-rayX-ray diffraction structural analysis
*With a numeral.

Appendix 4.
List of recommendations of the IUPAC–IUB commission on chemical nomenclature (also see
Natural products and related compounds Pure and Appl. Chem. 1999.V. 71. P. 587-643;
Ibid. 2004. V.76. P. 1283-1292
StereochemistryIbid. 1996. V. 68. P. 2193-2222
NMR spectroscopyEur.J. Biochem. 1998. V. 256. P. 1-15
Mass spectrometryOrgan. Mass. Spectrom. 1979. V. 14. P. 1-2
Biochemical thermodynamicsEur.J. Biochem. 1996. V.240. P. 1-14
Isotopically modified compoundsIbid. 1978. V. 86. Ð. 9-25
Amino acids, peptides and their derivatives:
 - nomenclature, abbreviations, and symbolsIbid. 1984. V. 138. Ð. 9-37
 - conformationIbid. 1969 V. 17. Ð. 193-201
peptide hormonesIbid. 1975. V. 55. Ð. 485-486
Nucleotides and nucleic acids
 - - abbreviations and symbols Ibid. 1972. V. 25. Ð. 1
 - - incompletely specific basesIbid. 1985. V. 150. Ð. 1-5
 - conformationIbid. 1983. V. 131. Ð. 9-15
LipidsIbid 1977. V. 79. Ð. 11-12
GlycolipidsIbid.1998. V. 257. P. 293-298
SteroidsIbid. 1989. V. 186. Ð. 427-456
Phosphorus-containing compoundsIbid. 1977. V. 79. Ð. 1-9
Carbohydrates, glycoproteins, and peptidoglycans: nomenclature, abbreviations, and symbols
 - nomenclature, abbreviations, and symbols Carbohydr. Res. 1997. V. 297. P. 43-177
 - Conformation of monosaccharidesEur. J. Biochem. 1980. V. 111. P. 295-298
 - Conformation of oligosaccharidesIbid. 1983. V. 131. Ð. 5-7
Quinones with isoprenoid side chainIbid. 1975. V. 53. Ð. 15-18
CarotenoidsIbid. 1972. V. 25. Ð. 397-408; 1975.V. 57. Ð. 1-7
RetinoidsIbid. 1982. V. 29. Ð.1-5
Tocopherols and related compoundsIbid. 1982.V.123.P. 473-475
TetrapyrrolsIbid. 1988. V. 178. P. 277-328
CorrinoidsIbid. 1974. V. 45. Ð. 7-12
PrenolsIbid. 1987. V. 167. Ð. 181-184
Vitamin B-6 and related compoundsIbid. 1973. V. 40. Ð. 325-327
Vitamin DIbid. 1982. V. 124.Ð. 223-227
Enzymes: Nomenclature. Recommendations (1992)San Diego: Acad. Press, 1992
Supplement 1Eur. J. Biochem. 1994. V. 223. P. 1-5
Supplement 2Ibid. 1995. V. 23
Supplement 3Ibid. 1996. V. 237. P. 1-5
Supplement 4Ibid. 1997. V. 250. P. 1-6
Supplement 5Ibid. 1999. V.264. P.610-650
Supplement 6-9Nomenclature Committee of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Appendix 5.
Symbols for selected physical and chemical values and units

SymbolValueUnit of measure
Physical chemistry
mmasskg, g, mg, μg, etc. (not m)
Ìmolecular massDa* (Dalton)
Ìrrelative molecular massdimensionless
namount of substance mol, mmol, mmol, nmol, pmol, etc.
ñB, [Â]Concentration of substance BM (mol/l), mmol, etc.
sSedimentation coefficientS (Svedberg, 10-13 s)
Tthermodynamic temperatureK** (Kelvin)
tCelsius temperatureoC
ÅenergyJ or cal (4.1868 J)
ÐpressurePa (Pascal), bar (105 Pa), atm (101 325 Pa), or mmHg (1 torr, equal to 133.2 Pa)
Iionic strengthM, mM, etc.
Electromagnetic radiation
Iluminous intensitycd (Candela)
Àabsorbance*** (–logI/I0) (-lg I/Io)dimensionless
emolar absorption coefficient****Ì-1 cm-1
Le radioactivity (irradiation ability)Bq (Becquerel, s-1) ) or Ci (Curie, 37 GBq)
Chemical and enzymic reactions
ttimes (not sec), min (not mn), h (not hr)
Vvolumedm3 (l), cm3 (ml),ml, nl, etc.
Êequilibrium constantM
ÊmMichaelis constantM, mM, etc.
Êssubstrate constantM, mM, etc.
Êiinhibition constantM, mM, etc.
krate constants-1 or Ì-1 s-1
kcatcatalytic constants-1
Vreaction ratemol/s
V (or Vmax)maximum value of reaction rateM s-1 ñ-1
HHill coefficient dimensionless
* One-twelfth of the mass of the nuclide 12Ñ.
2* Not oÊ.
3* The term "optical density" should not be used.
4* The term "extinction" should not be used.

Copyright ©, Original Russian Edition Copyright © 2005 by the Russian Academy of Sciences and Shemyakin–Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, RAS. English Translation Copyright © 2005 by Pleiades Publishing, Inc. Printed in the USA.